Dingux: Vectrex SDL

I prepared first quick-and-dirty version for port of vecx (http://www.johnhawthorn.com/2009/12/vectrex-emulator-sdl-port/) -- Vectrex console emulator.
The emulator written on SDL and uses SDL_gfxPrimitives drawing routines.
Some adoption made for Dingoo screen: rotated by 90 degree, D-pad rotated too.
For now, emulator comes with only one game, built in the console ROM -- Minestorm -- Asteroids-like.

Buttons: 1 = Y, 2 = X, 3 = B, 4 = A
Button A works as fire in Mindstorm.

Some adoption made for Dingoo screen: rotated by 90 degree, D-pad rotated too.
For now, emulator comes with only one game, built in the console ROM -- Minestorm -- Asteroids-like.

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