Proof of Concept PSGroove ported to PlayStation 3 Sixaxis/DualShock 3

There were reports of people trying to use the SixAxis controller to Jailbreak the PS3. However, we stopped hearing about any progress on it and heard more about clones such as the PS3Key and P3Free and many others. Now, there seems to be proof of a PSGroove port on a PlayStation 3 SixAxis/DualShock 3 controller! Forum user hasuky from stated that he'll be putting more info online tomorrow.

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Starting by telling you, not to say bad words for those many people that maybe criticize the work of others without having done any research or evidence. I feel sorry for these people and for those who doubted in this project: I've spent a bit of my time and achieved what I wanted to do, not having a separate usb device, I wanted to run from the command Psgroove Sixsaxis and step be updatable via PC with just the controller and a USB cable for your bad luck has made the video I'm uploading it now takes a bit because my connection is shared. If you wait about 30 minutes more or less what you see, long time I was interested by the different consoles, as amended. I tell you to cool something that was the first to repair a bad nand extracted from a xbox 360, I have a couple of tutorials that many served him. And thanks to EOL and many people who make this forum what is now really. Tomorrow I will have to make the tutorial and make the respective tests.

It seems that not only do you use the controller to jailbreak your PS3 but you can continue to use it like a normal controller. However, you would need to connect the controller via USB cable first. This is like a shot to Sony's heart considering modders are using Sony's own product to jailbreak their system.

It seems that it will require some soldering in order for the PSGroove to be flashed onto the PS3 Controller...

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