A new plugin I've personnally never seen before. It basically gives you a completely new homescreen/XMB.
Quit the game and quickly get back to XMB plugins " Fastexitgame 2.11 "was released.
2.11 2.11
Well not to have auto-created (?) Fixed Fixed ini setting is not made automatically when you create the default key file
Set by pressing a key quickly return to the XMB. (HOME is much quicker than pressing the back button.)
As a bonus shutdown, restart, and can also sleep.
FastExitGame2.11 FastExitGame2.11
Methods: Introduction;
Fastexitgame download 2.01, came out to extract " Fastexitgame . PRX "and" Fastexitgame . ini "to ms0 (ef0): / seplugins Copy" vsh.txt "," game.txt "," pops.txt "of something like
ms0(ef0):/seplugins/ FastExitGame .prx 1 ms0 (ef0): / seplugins / Fastexitgame . PRX an
And append
【使い方】 [How]
「 FastExitGame .ini」を開いて「Bootkey」「Rebootkey」「Shutdownkey」「Sleepkey」 " Fastexitgame . ini "open" Bootkey "" Rebootkey "" Shutdownkey "" Sleepkey "Please save the button to turn your favorite part.
Will have to write anything off.
FastExitGame .ini See " Fastexitgame . ini "Please look
Bootkey Bootkey If left blank the "START" + "HOME" will be.
Back Rebootkey = XMB / Restart (HEN case of RESTART VSH)
Shutdownkey Shutdownkey = Shutdown (HEN case of sleep)
Sleepkey = Sleep Sleepkey =
Translate From Google,It is Working on my PSPgo with 6.35 pro..
only on my XMB,not in game or pop's,And XMB option on screen is in another language??
If it worked in game would be excellent in force shut down's,But more work till perfect..
Thanks for the great plug in.
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