PS3 MultiMAN 1.16.16 for CFW 3.55 Kmeaw/Wanikoko/Geohot


* Changed display mode #1 (check the attached image)
* Changed display mode #3 (background is now full quality)
* Proper scanning for games on internal (so no need for SELECT+L3)
* Additional check for select+X games left in root of external to insure 100% proper operation and get the game back to where it should be
* Some other things like when no internet connection is available (only one attempt to download a cover is performed if needed)
* helpMMe: Fixed: works in all resolutions
* Showtime: Fixed: video bitrate calculation when using SPU decoder
Cache will be rebuilt upon first launch and it may take some time.

Download from PS3 Using Multiman's R3 Update Feature: Must Be on V1.1.6.15

Update: Dean Released 1.17.00 which has many more fixes and additions. Have a Look. Download Here

Update: Dean Released 1.17.02 Which Has support for REBUG CFW: Download Here

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