* It is required that you have a Blu-ray Disk in the drive at all times, if you can, and "Non-Modified" game files. Disk-less compatibility can vary! Make sure you restart your system anytime an Lv2 application has been used (GAIA/Lv2 V6) before starting multiMAN v1.14.0+
* multiMAN v1.15.02 is a stand-alone installation, no prior installs required. If you have never installed multiMAN, use the v1.15.02 Mega Pack to get all the extra's (covers & themes) installed, otherwise use the v1.15.02 base package
* multiMAN v1.14.0+ should not require you to run Lv2 v/any! Do not run before multiman! You should only need Lv2 for Fix Permissions. I would restart the system after running Lv2 then run multiMAN.
* Delete prior versions before installing v1.14.0+.
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