2. Simple SSL proxy that basically modifies the headers for outgoing packets to auth.np.ac.playstation.net’s to change “PS3 03.55″ to “PS3 03.56″ — this makes PSN believe the PS3 is using the proper firmware version
Got it? Now here is how we accomplish tactic #2:
1. Replacing a SSL cert in the CFW (in /dev_flash/data/cert) with your own CA SSL certificate
2. Creating an SSL certificate for “auth.np.ac.playstation.net” signed with your CA certificate
3. Run a DNS server on your machine that resolves auth.np.ac.playstation.net to your PC’s internal IP
4. Create a Java SSL proxy (basically PS3 <-> PC <-> PSN). The PC claims (to the PS3) that it is “auth.np.ac.playstation.net” and is successfully accepted because a CA signed the SSL certificate
5. Replace the headers sent PS3 -> PSN to specify “PS3 03.56″
PS: Since you are touching the PS3's Dev/Flash their is a chance if you don't do it right it will lock up and brick on you. We are not responsible on what you do to your System.