PSP PowerFlashLite+ V1.9.5 Released

PowerFlashLite+ has been released and updated to version 1.9.5.
-Add Battery warning at 20/10/5 Percent(look at PFLconfig.txt)
-Add MenuUP & MenuDown to config(for Menu move)
-Change Menu-style

-Flashlight on XMB
-Pixel-Fixer on XMB
-Button-Tester on XMB
-LEDs on/off (Power,MS,WLAN)
-auto-disable LEDs on start up
-auto-disable LEDs while playing movies from MS
-Display on / off
-Display-Brightness-level min/max
-Battery Warning at 20/10/5 Percent
-AntiUser Mode ! Shock your friends :D (A fake "Blue Screen" after few seconds, with shutdown or back to XMB.Look at config.)
-PSP shutdown (LEDs blimk one times.enable in config)
-PSP Coldreset (LEDs blink two times.enable in config)
-PSP Restart VSH (for HEN user (LEDs blink three times.enable in config))

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