PSP CFW 6.38 Mininum Edition By Neur0n for Slim 2000

This is CFW works on PSP2000.

The degree of stability is still unknown.
Please test it on your own and refer to different people's test reports.

How to Install
First, you need to install CFW or HEN(ex. 5.00M33 , 6.20TN , 6.35PRO-B3 , 6.37ME ) in your PSP.

1. copy UPDATE folder at ms0:/PSP/GAME/.
2. Put 6.38 official update at ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/638.PBP .
3. Run installer from xmb.

Hold R trigger and turn on the psp, you can enter recovery menu.
Hold Home button and turn on the psp, you can Boot OFW.

This CFW is based Dark_AleX's 5.00M33.
And usbdev.prx is his own.

First release.

Once again Hackers>Sony

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