6.20TN-A Plugin Support/6.35 Downgrader

Total_Noob has updated his blog today with some more good news for us all. This time in the form of plug-in (prx) support for 6.20 TN-A (HEN). He has commented that most plug-in’s don’t work since they are built for 5.xx but he may convert a few plug-ins to work with 6.xx.
Today I just add plugins support to my TN HEN. Most of the plugins will not work, because lots of plugins are desgined for 5.XX. I perhaps may update some plugins for you, like cxmb, dayviewer. The VshMenu now has a new option FAST SCROLL MUSIC (thanks to Torch who allows me to use it).
Source: Total_Noob’s Blog

On another interesting note, Total_Noob has mentioned he may release a PSP Firmware 6.35 downgrader. My guessing is this would be run via his VSH exploit and firmware 6.35 to 6.20. So these users can then enjoy some 6.20 TN (HEN) magic. The idea being that this would save TN some NID’s translation work in 6.35.

Here is the source where tn said that he will make a downgrade homebrew -

Here is the post where he said that he will release it for 6.35

Original post by him:
Vielleicht release ich nur 6.35 Downgrader, dann kann ich mir die ganze NID’s Arbeit ersparen.
Which in English:
Maybe I’ll release only 6:35 Downgrader, I can save myself all the NID’s work.

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