We can expect fail0verflow jailbreak tool for PS3 which is a dongle-less jailbreak by overflowing bootup NOR flash after a month. The official website for this exploit is http://fail0verflow.com/ which will be made available soon.
Here is what fail0verflow say,
fail0verflow is the name of our ‘group’. We are a bunch of curious hackers who have been working on a bunch of things over the last 3 years.
There is absolutely no doubt in our mind that the PS3 lasted as much as it did due to OtherOS. The security really is terribly broken.
Whoever originally wrote something about “overflowing the bootup NOR flash” needs to be shot (after watching the talk and paying attention)
@KushanTheCat our goal is to have linux running on all existing PS3 consoles, whatever their firmware versions.
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