Sony had removed the OtherOS feature and PSN from CFW users now if you could have any homebrew come to the PS3 for CFW What would you choice?
I clearly would choose between:
1) OtherOs Install Access other than BootOS: With PS3 Bluetooth Controller support for controlling the Mouse and onscreen Keyboard popup menu.
2) N64 Emulator: I saw some Videos of this. No Release
3) VSH Menu similar to the PSP to Suspend/Reboot/Shutdown/Change CPU by pressing select and using the arrow keys.
4) PSN Spoofer for Retail available to CFW users and access to my main account. I know this is what most users are waiting for: Im not to concerned about this I've been using SP-INT for awhile with Server Mapper.
5) Dreamcast Emulator: I never had a dreamcast and I would love to give it a chance
6) Torrent Downloader Application: I like torrent. I like using them for getting old movies. An application to download torrents and watch them seems like a good idea.
So if you could choose the next greatest project you want to see brought to the PS3 scene leave a comment with your idea :] You can either sign in or comment as a guest. Please no ridiculous ideas (Ex: Nintendo DS Emulator/PSP Emulator) because they are never going to happen.
Ill add your name to the list with your idea :]