During an exchange of tweets had with Veeence and other members of the famous scene of the jailbreak were discovered some interesting information about the IOS 4.3.2 Jailbreak.
According to numerous reports of our members, in fact, the new version of IOS still seems to be unlockable redsn0w 0.9.6rc12, which uses the exploit IOS 4.3.1.
iOS 4.3.2 seems to have been completed 4 April 2011, the exact date of release of redsn0w 0.9.6rc9. Currently, the jailbreak is semi-tethered and Cydia does not work correctly.
By performing further analysis on the kernel also iH8sn0w discovered that the version used in iOS 4.3.2 was compiled 30 March 2011, even five days before the release of Jailbreak 4.3.1 Untethered of IOS.
we strongly recommend that you wait for some more information coming from the Dev-Team or i0n1c.
MuscleNerd also confirmed that the latest version of redsn0w able to run IOS 4.3.2 Jailbreak tethered. Once again recommend that you wait for a stable version of redsn0w.