Added 6.20 OFW Kernel Support
Added 6.20 Type 2 PRX Permanent Bootloader
Improved NID Resolver (Including 6.20 <-> 6.35 NIDs)
Improved Game Compatiblity via Anti-NBGI Fixes
Added Inferno OSS ISO Driver (Improves Compatiblity and Speed)
Fixed BGM Playback Bug in Recovery Menu
Improved Satellite Permission Detection
Fixed Skype Crash Bugs
Added Custom PSX Manual Support
Added version.txt Display Support
Added Parental Level Check for ISO / CSO
Some small fixes we probably forgot about
Informations for Permanent Flash Users:
Pressing R while booting loads the recovery.
Pressing Select while booting loads OFW.
When applying the Permanent Patch, choose X on first question and O on second to install, two times X only tests whether your device is compatible with our Permanent Bootloader.
Should you manage to brick yourself, try pressing O+X+Select+Start while turning your PSP on. It will trigger a emergency uninstall.