Add port of 'Stella - an atari 2600 vcs emulator'in the directory 'appport/stella-3.3'
How to build Stella
Ensure $CELL_SDK and $SDCELL are set in your environment.
Copy sdl-config-ps3 into $CELL_SDK/host-win32/bin and rename it to sdl-config.
Configure stella with CXX=ppu-lv2-g++ ./configure --with-sdl-prefix=$CELL_SDK/host-win32 --disable-gl --enable-static --host=ps3
Use make to build and ./package.sh to build stella.pkg.
Building a package requires make_self_npdrm, package_finalize, psl1ght's pkg.py, and python.
Have a look at Robo Hobo's Google Project
Here is a package for cfw users. There is a readme in the zip explaining the, still rather sloppy, input scheme. Otherwise it is based very closely to the original source of stella 3.3. All of the input modes and overlays are part of sdcell.
This is a light port of stella using the sdcell library. Only changes necessary for the PS3 were made to the source.
The interface is still a little rough around the edges.
Press R3 to toggle between 'soft mouse' and joystick mode.
In soft mouse mode, use the left stick to move the cursor, Cross to left click, and Square to Right click.
In joystick mode the gamepad acts as a standard SDL Joystick, with the exception that the L3 and R3 buttons are unavailable for use.
In soft mouse mode press L3 to toggle the on screen keyboard. As of this writing the osk in barely functional. While their state is tracked, the modifier keys have no effect on input.
USB keyboards and mice are supported. But are not thoroughly tested.