This make you appear offline using mecomment, wipes history, pushes fake history, and clears web history .
It is stealthed as Mobile Suit Gundam BLUS30017, if you play this game you suck....
Its the second worst game on ps3.
Make selection press X
Wipe History- Deletes history files
Replace History- Replaces History with fake history files found in - dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30017/USRDIR/files
Make History Files read Only- Makes you history files read only, games and homebrew ran will no longer be added to files.
Make History Writable- Make history files writable again
Clear Browser History- Deletes history.xml from webbrowser
Hide From Friends- Makes you appear offline even though you are online.
Be Seen Again- Make you seen by friends again
Notes on making files read only:
This will still be in effect after resetting the system, so essentially no more wiping history
ever again.
You MUST disable other apps from erasing history such as multiman, which i use it has a nice
ini file you can edit to make it stop doing it here is how for multiman:
Go to its folder via ftp /dev_hdd0/game/BLES80608/USRDIR/options_default.ini
Open it in notepad or whatever and find: clear_activity_logs=1 make it say clear_activity_logs=0
Save and reload it to ftp and now it wont clear history anymore.
I'm sure gaia and other managers have something similar read their readme's.
Change Log:
Added make history files read only
Added make history files writable
Made menu selective
Added clear web history
Added push fake history