graf_chokolo announced the successful installation of Linux on the PS3 3.41 and above to grant him the same rights as the GameOS.
The new otheros of graf_chokolo therefore has the same functions as the GameOS, and thus allows access to the entire HDD and FLASH VFlash. It can also communicate with the Dispatcher Manager, Update Manager, SYSCON Manager, it is also possible to launch an SPU isolated and of course the RSX.
The distribution used is a PPC64 Debian Linux without any changes except at the hypervisor. The changes on the hypervisor allows the launch of the Linux bootloader petitboot from FLASH and the bootloader then loads the distribution installed on the hard disk.
The Dual Boot + GameOS otheros in the hypervisor is nearly complete in the knowledge that Linux is not the only OS that can be booted from the HDD PS3.
It is no longer necessary to use GameOS to launch code (the SELF are no longer a requirement) and therefore it opens the doors to the lineup of games and other software on PS3.
Note that a port to be expected after 3.55 version to 3.41 over.