Features of Hermes Manager:
-Like Open Manager does, it allows loading games from internal and external HDD, Bluray and also games copy, test and delete
-Includes the psgroove-hermesv4D payload with the signed self
-It’s shown in a 4x3 icons screen graphical interface.
-It allows screen adjustment, games directory and background color change.
-It reduces the buttons use and the possibility of making a mistake by pressing the wrong one (especially designed for children)
-Includes FTP support (OpenPS3FTP), the possibility of blocking the syscalls (through internal key : it’s recommended to compile the program changing "hmanager_key" for another one) and the possibility of launching PS3LoadX directly.
-Possibility of replacing new games EBOOT.BIN with an external one
-The games settings are saved in a separated directory
Changes in version 1.2:
- BDEMU added to launch games from /dev_usb00x/PS3_GAME with black screen like Modern Warfare. Allow to launch games from /app_home/ without any Bluray disc inserted. (it needs the option "BD Emu (for USB)" in "On")
Changes in version 1.3:
Version 1.3 Changes:
-Added Auto patch PARAM.SFO (it renames the original file as _PARAM.SFO)