What's the point:
Start-specific plugins
-Modify the CPU speed (all speeds are present)
-Able to start Hellcats Recovery Flasher via (RM) recovery mode.
-Capable of launching via HEN TN RM
-Ability to enable / disable the USB port of the PSP (but this option does not always work and will be resolved in the next release)
Remains to be done in future versions:
- Solving the problem of USB.
- Add support for all plugins (including quite work with this first version)
- Correct problems related to Enable WMA flashplayer, toggle f0, f1, f2
- Add the farm account and other functions ..
Developer Notes:
Works on all CFW and all versions
Tested on 5.00M33, 6.20TN-B 6.20TN A 5.00M33/6xx, 5.50GEN,
RecoveryMenuT.U recovery menu is a coded format for CFW eboot.
the recovery menu is coded by myself.
NOTE: there are still some bugs and it's not over yet.
Plugins put to use by exemplme: hold.prx screenshot.prx or in the X (elttre DM): / seplugins /
hold.prx eg = ms0: / seplugins / hold.prx
screenshot.prx example = ms0: / seplugins / screenshot.prx
more support for plugins to be added soon.
To use flash Hellcats place RECOVERY / EBOOT.PBP in the folder / ms0/psp/game /.
CPU speeds all work well.