PS3 Wipe History V2.0: Erase Activity Logs from Sony's BanHammer

Smokin, a dev over at PS3Hax, has released an app that erases your PS3's log history. The app, Wipe History v2.0, removes any trace of what apps or homebrew were played on your PS3. The thought behind this program, is to run it prior to going online onto the PSN, to remove your play logs from Sony's peering eyes. It is possible that by deleting these logs, it will protect your console from the threat of being banned. To use the app, run it via the XMB, your screen will flicker black and return you back to the XMB as normal.

This is my first ps3 homebrew app, it clears your history (ie.,boot_history.dat) so sony doesnt know what games or homebrew you have ran.

Most homebrew apps in .pkg form use an id which goes to a file that gets uploaded to sony when you sign into psn, obviously homebrew apps have their own id that sony doesn't recognize which could potentially get you banned.

This app clears that history so just run it after you run homebrew, It will do ALL accounts on your ps3.

When you run it the screen will go black then return you to the xmb.

Uupdate: Get version 2 it deletes pushlist too which is also sent to sony The files are in dev_hdd0/vsh/pushlist/patch.dat and game.dat

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