PSP POPS for 6.60PRO-B9 Released

Pro team launched an official update of popsloader which is now compatible with 6.60 PRO-B9.
 - Compatible with Light Custom Firmware 6.60 PRO
 - Support POPS the firmware 6.60
 - Fixed some bugs

How to install:
- Copy the popsloader folder into the SEPLUGINS folder. If you don’t have one please create new folder in the root of the PSP and name it SEPLUGINS.
- Open the POPS.txt. If you don’t have any create new text document in the SEPLUGINS folder and name it POPS.
- Add the following line in it if you have placed the files in the memory stick  ”ms0: / seplugins / popsloader / popsloader.prx 1” or “ef0: / seplugins / popsloader / popsloader.prx 1” if it’s in theinternal memory of PSP GO. Don’t forget to check if POPS.txt has a blank line at the end – if no add one.
- Hit the select button on your PSP and choose “Reset VSH” option.
How to use :
- Run the PS1 game converted for PSP.
- Hit the R button as soon as you see the PSX gameboot
- Choose the POPS you want

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