Infini Dev Team Fr0st Installer "Lima" Coming Soon: Browser Based dPkg Installer

As you know, we’ve been out of this blog for a while. It’s @ferreiradaniel2 here, one of the contributors to Icy and our new Installer: Lima/fr0st

Lima is going to be a browser-based dpkg Installer. Meaning all you have to do is visit a website in safari and you have a fully fucntional package installer!

See part of it in action here:

Lima is going to be a great installer, and just for notice, we aren’t leaving Icy behind. By the way, we got it working on the iPad and firmware up to 4.3.2 and we are soon releasing v1.4.8, with several bugfixes that came all the way from RipDev’s code and on further releases we are adding Cydia Store purchases. On Lima too!

You can always talk to us on Twitter or leave a comment if you have any questions.

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