If you do not want to watch the video here is a written tutorial
Here is what many have been waiting for, & we promised & we delivered. iPASTORE stand alone app, which will let you download and install app directly from your device. A simple way to try & share apps via iPASTORE.
There may be some errors, bugs that you can help iron out by reporting at iPASTORE Forums or you can join is on irc.rizon.net #ipastore.
We just intend to help you try the apps, without paying unnecessarily. If you like any Apps please Buy it and help the developers.
You can install app via our repo. http://repo.ipastore.me or via xSeLLiZe Repo (cydia.xsellize.com)
iPASTORE app allows you to browse, download and install apps from http://ipastore.me directly on your device.
For now its first launch and its iPhone only, you see i dont have team or something i work alone. but iPad support will be added soon enough.
This is strictly for jailbroken devices and requires Appsync patch from hackulo.us, also supports iOS 5, iOS 6.
Browse apps by category. Featured apps, New apps, new updates. Search apps.
Download apps. (Background download supports only 10 mins, its apple not me.)
Queued Installation so you can select single or multiple. It is awesome.
Auto lock is disabled in app if app is in foreground its automatically enabled once app is terminated or enters background. so u need not to worry about large downloads.
If you want to buy any app, there is button which takes you to AppStore directly from app.
You might experience some issues with download start ups, but i am already on them. they will be fixed soon enough.
Also i was not able to fully suppress ads from the file hosting sites, so you might get irritated sometimes, so i recommend using it along side AdBlocker which is available on ipastore repo. (Cydia source: http://repo.ipastore.me) or ihacksrepo (Cydia Source: http://ihacksrepo.com).
Last but not least, i am Thankful to everyone who helped me guided me while development of the app. We intend to bring more awesome features to the app so stay tuned.
1) Arapad Goretity - @H2CO3_iOS
2) Merlin Mao
3) CosmicalNinja - @cosmicalninja
4) Terence - @ttwj
5) Hackulo.us - I borrowed few html's from them lol. hope big brothers wont mind.
Thanks & Regards,