PS3 Rogero CEX 3.55 CFW 3.70 for PSN Released

Today developer Rogero has released a new version of his custom firmware to allow users to get on PSN. Check out the changelog and the download link below.

- Updated the Passphrase to allow PSN/SEN access without the need to use any other tool, just install the CFW and connect to PSN/SEN. Credits to eussNL and the PS3DevWiki for the valuable and always up-to-date source of information.
- Added a fix in the CFW for the old Black Screen Titles that needed: USB Mount (Rogero Manager) / Select+X (Multiman) to run from external HDD. Now the same titles can run from internal HDD fine too with this CFW. Credits to Deank for his continuous efforts on Multiman and many other PS3 tools/fixes.

Usage / Compatibility:
- Can be used for Downgrade directly using a hardware flasher like Progskeet / E3 Flasher / Teensy++, etc...
- Can be used for normal system update like any other CFW/MFW from XMB or from Recovery Menu.

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