Wii & PC Hero City 2 v1.2 Released

Quote (ThatOtherDev);
Here is an update and port for Hero City 2. Along with finally being available for Windows the game now features an improved french translation (courtesy of Skyost), some slight font edits and on Wii the Wiimote will now rumble when the player is being hurt.

Wii controls:
Analog stick = Move
Directional pad = Turn the camera
Shake wiimote = Right fisted punch
Shake nunchuck = Left fisted punch
A button = Jump (hold to charge up for a higher jump)
Z button = Turn the camera in the same direction as the player
1 button = Save
2 button = Return to the title screen
+ or - (at the title screen) = Change the language

Windows controls:
WASD = Move
Cursor = Turn the camera
Right mouse button = Right fisted punch
Left mouse button = Left fisted punch
Space = Jump (hold to charge up for a higher jump)
R = Turn the camera in the same direction as the player
F = Save
G = Return to the title screen
Q or E (at the title screen) = Change the language

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