[Playstation 4] Game Dumper 007 Released

Today developer ohcHIT has released a new version of Game Dumper 007 for the Playstation 4. Check out the release notes, changelog and the download link provided below.

Release Notes
As an example, the developer to dumper Injustice in 3 minutes, enough to speed up the process.

Little trick, the developer advocates the use of a USB key with an LED, so you know when he is in action.

1) Open ps4ip.txt and paste the IP address of your PS4 inside.
2) Run GAME DUMPER 007.bat

Completed. Type S to send DumpFileCturt176-backupPrep.bin

1. Load the game for the dump (Just load on the home screen, do not run it)
2. Access the Playground via the browser (and go to code execution, you should indicate the payload)
3. Press the PS button on the Home screen
4. Start the game to dumper
5. Let the game pass the intros to the start screen
6. Open the game dumper and run
7. You must have your dump in 3 min, watch the led on your USB key
8. Enjoy

Note: The dump of the game must be in the folder GAME DUMPER 007

After the dump :
1. Restart your ps4 (so you do not have system memory errors)
2. Go to Playground and start the ftp
3. Press the Ps button on the Home menu
4. Load the game
5. Open File Zilla and mount the PS4
6. Extract from the sandbox folder! (copy app-0 from ps4 to hdd)
7. Copy the decrypted files in application 0 (overwrite)
8. Change the name of the file in XXXXX (put in the root of a USB key or a hard disk formatted in exFAT)
7. Enter stage5 on the ps4
8. Send the payload usb hooks
9. Enjoy
Download Here

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