PS3 MultiMAN Theme Control Released: Update for x86 & x64 Versions

Quote (BrunoLee):
"MultiMAN Theme Control" (32 and 64 bits), the .exe now also includes "Visual Basic Virtual Machine" (msvbvm50.dll)

It is an executable multiOptions to facilitate packaging themes for multiMAN

- Create IQR theme
From folder theme, will reduce 10% Quality on some images and create other theme folder IQR (After if you want, THM and PKG)
- Create THM theme
It will create .thm from folder theme (After if you want, PKG)
- Create PKG theme
It will create .pkg from folder theme
- Create PKG multiThemes
It will create one .pkg from with all THMs in executable directory

This executable uses:
"mmTM_GUI.exe" from aldostools
"make_package_npdrm.exe" from Sony
"PhotoResize.exe" from Vlastimil Milér
and batch code written by brunolee
x86 (32bit) Version

x64 Version

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