PS3 MultiMAN 04.02.01 Released

multiMAN 04.20.01 online update (1.2MB STEALTH, 1.7MB CEX, 2.8MB DEX) is available now.

Requires 04.20.00 BASE or FULL installed (everyone who updated online to 04.20.00 already got the 04.20.00 BASE).

- Added support for lastGAME5 for loading PS1 backups from the "Load Last Title" icon on XMB
- Added support for Emulator-grouping selection in the SIDE menu in RETRO column
- Fixed mM last-state-save when loading "bd-mirror"/"ext. game data" games
- The improved discless compatibility now allows for skipping mandatory gamedata install for some games
- Updated lastGAME, bdRESET and gameDATA to version 5 to support mM 04.20.00+. Downloads available in the web column, too.

* multiMAN ver 04.20.01 UPD CEX (20130225).pkg
* multiMAN ver 04.20.01 UPD DEX (20130225).pkg
* multiMAN ver 04.20.01 UPD STEALTH (20130225).zip
* bdRESET5.pkg
* lastGAME5.pkg
* gameDATA5.pkg


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