PS3 MultiMAN v4.53.03 Released

Today developer Dean K is back at it again with another updated released of MultiMAN backup manager. Check out the changelog and the download link provided below.

! For COBRA7 compatible firmwares (CEX version only):

- Added support for PS3 games in ISO format from NTFS drives (/PS3ISO folder)
- Added support for PS1 games in ISO/BIN+CUE format from NTFS drives (/PSXISO folder)
- Added support for Blu-ray movies in ISO format from NTFS drives (/BDISO folder)
- Added support for DVD video in ISO format from NTFS drives (/DVDISO folder)

The only requirement is to have your NTFS formatted USB HDD connected to your PS3 when you start multiMAN.

Update is available also online via mM update and in the WEB column.


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