[Nintendo Switch] MultiFruit-AIO v1.0 Released

Today developer Orange-NX has released a new version of MultiFruit-AIO v1.0 for the Nintendo Switch. Check out the release notes, changelog and the download link provided below.

Release Notes
MultiFruit AIO brings together:

- Atmosphere-NX Atmosphere-NX / Atmosphere
- ReiNX Reisyukaku / ReiNX
- Argon-NX Guillem96 / argon-nx
- pctl-shooter (Change the parental control pin easily)
- pload-launcher (Press L on the album to launch Payload launcher)
- Goldleaf 0.6.1 XorTroll / Goldleaf /
- HB-Appstore 2.1 vgmoose / hb-appstore

And it does not spoil it very light 15.8 MB compressed and only 39.7 MB on your microSD!

Just extract the zip from the version on your microSD and launch the included payload.bin file to enjoy it.
Download Here

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