Playstation 3 ManaGunz v1.29 Released

Today developer Zar has released a new version of ManaGunZ v1.29 for the Playstation 3.ManaGunZ is a AIO (All-in-one) type Homebrew, this backup manager on steroids is an iris Manager Fork with a bit of a different appearance and many unique functions and features that normally would take other tools for the PC to accomplish. Check out the release notes, changelog and the download link provided below.

Fix : Several issues.
Fix : It detect iso built without the 'official' structure.
Fix : System crash after mounting a game in olders firmwares. Bug introduced in v1.26.
Add : [Themes] Display TAGS when you choose a theme to be aware of the path and the type of the theme.
Add : [Themes] Disable theme.
Add : [Themes] A default theme is loaded in a fresh install.
Add : [Themes] If there isn't a 'settings background' then the 'main background' is used for the setting menu.
Add : [Interface] Show game case.
Add : [Settings] Add TV test screen.
Add : [Settings] 'Update ManaGunZ'.
Add : [PS1][PSP] Game menu.
Add : [PS1][PS2] ICON0 creator. It allow you to 'cut' an ICON0 from the cover to use it as the main icon.
Fix : [PS2] Function to apply patches.
Add : [PS2] It can apply widescreen patches and another pnach file silmutaneously.
Add : [PS2] '480P', 'YFIX' and 'FMV skip' options.

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