PS3 mmCM v04.04.03 Released

- Changed folder "Paste" behavior in mmOS - when overwriting existing folder the destination will not be deleted before pasting
- Added 3 key combos in mmOS (for full list please refer to "navigation.txt"):
- SELECT+(CROSS hold) - Select All
- SELECT+(L2/R2) - Scroll to top/bottom of folder/file list-Extended "FTP Server" options in "Settings": Disable / Enable (1 min. TO)...(9 min. TO) / (No timeout) to set ftp connection timeouts
- Added 4.20 to "Fimware Version" option in "Settings" (Cobra 3.55CFW)
- Changed function "Game Updates" (different server; function will not work in older versions)
- Changed function "Download Game Covers" (different server; function will not work in older versions)
- Added option "Blu-ray Movie Disc Region" in "Settings" to change current PS3 region/targetid for movie compatibility (for non-Cobra/TB 3.55CFW)
- Added support for ICON1.PAM in themes

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